acrylic on wood (OSB)

handmade frame (fir tree)

35 x 40cm (size of the frame)

price: 500 euro (tax excluded)

“So, they try to set rules to Love, decent people, do you know them?

Yes, I’m sure you know…

They try to fix the wild pleasure of passion in their miserable little scheme, to lead it towards a safe and standard relationship in which we all have a part to play.

And according to that part we instantly becamo judged: we must change, we must fit, we must accomplish their prediction.

Apparently, in their opinion, there are very few ways to experience Love, and once you pick one, you stick with it for the rest of your life.

Distressing, right?

Well, this is their version…

Let me show you another one…

You can chose to stand with your instinct and compassion, you can gently and yet strongly break all the impositions you thought were for your safety.

You can happily leave the comfort zone set for you and declare Love as the only leader you are willing to follow.

You can smile and turn around in front of their complaints, you can say “I’m sorry” and don’t be sorry at all while achieving your personal satisfaction and fulfilment.

Thereby risking being misunderstood – yes.

Thereby escaping the cage – I hope so.

Thereby becoming who you are – each and every second.”

